Wednesday, October 12, 2011

New Stuff!!

Hello!  Nope...I didn't fall off the face of the earth...LOL
I have been very busy with all sorts of sewing projects, some for my kiddos, some for yours, tote bags, baby gifts.  So much fun!!
The photos & price lists pictured here are just some of the new stuff I've been working on lately.

After a brutal summer, the temps are finally starting to drop.  That means longer sleeves & heaver materials will be needed in the near future.  Have you checked out your kiddo's closets?  Are all of those adorable outfits you saved from last year too small?  Drop me an email & I can help you plan this year's wardrobe.


According to my handy-dandy Christmas List App on my phone, I know that we have exactly 73 days til the big day.  Have you started your lists?  How about the shopping?  Hmmm...Let me give you some input:
Pajamas for boys & girls in a favorite character or fun fabric.
Pillowcases embellished with their name
Tote bags are great for everyone!
New dresses/outfits
Embellished & personalized onesies, bibs or burp cloths for the littlest ones on your list
Seen something on the web you love everything about but the price?  Send a picture...I may be able to help you out!  My email is at the bottom of this posting....

Want to order something?  Have a question?
This is how you can reach me:

diayoung (at) sbcglobal (dot) net

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

More Totes!

I have been having a total blast making these totes!

So far, I have made them for 2 teachers, a child's dance class bag, a diaper bag, a Bible bag, and a miscellaneous bag.

I follow a blog called Tea Rose home, and she has a great link party which allows us creative types to show a bit of puffed up pride & post pix of our creations on her blog. You might take a look at her site, I enjoy it. I have added her button on my sidebar. So, go take a look, you might see something you like! :)

Let me know when you are ready for your bag!! I am taking orders now....

diayoung (at) sbcglobal (dot) net

Thursday, July 14, 2011

U ToTe 'Em...

Summertime finds me creating once again, and I'm loving these roomy tote bags!

Take a peek...

Personalization is included in the cost!

Make it yours, make it theirs :)

This little bag packs a big punch!

Great for quick trips or for the older child.

The interior includes 2 pockets.

Additional pockets or specialized pockets could be added either inside or outside.

These tote bags are great for all sorts of stuff!

Just to name a few....








overnight stuff name it!!!

What will you use yours for???

The samples I have are girly, but I am having visions of


coming up real soon!!

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Sewing Pats on the Back & Hairdo's

YES! I've been busy! LOL

When I don't post for a long's usually a sure sign that I've been stitchin' up a storm! :)

I just finished




Adorable little somethings for a wondermous friend. Four of which were for BOYS!!!!

Here's the breakdown:

2 pairs of Lil Man PJ's (John Deere & Sock Monkey, thank ya very much)

2 Robot short & appliqued shirts to match for two busy boys

1 Hootie Cutie skirt/top set

Previously, I made a pair of Fancy Nancy pj pants & a matching embroidered Pillowcase. *sigh* so much cute :0)

In case you're wanting to take a peek at the goods...well, we should all say a prayer that the recipient is kind enough to take some great pics of her kids in the clothes, then send them to me so I can post....because I shipped them so quickly


*makes mental note to kick self*

Oh well. :) You may just have to take my word for it. LOL

On a related, although entirely different note, I found a COOL website/blog for those of us with little girls (sorry mommys of boys). She posts----wait for it-----HAIRDOS!!!! much cuteness is there that my fingers get cramped just looking at them. heehee

So, check it out at this site : They are giving away some stuff, too. So it's a win-win thing!

Ok...I'm off for now. Pray for pictures. HA!

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

A Give Away

One thing I surely do enjoy is reading other folks' blogs!

They are inspirational, fun, and informative...sometimes all at the same time. Tonight I have spent (*way too much*) some time going from link to link to link & checking out new blogs I might have otherwise never found, and, let me tell ya...I've found some cuties!

This blog,

is having a giveaway of absolutely ADORABLE proportions. I am wanting to win that dress so badly that I am taking the time to post about it!


Seriously, check out this dress...and some of their other stuff and their ETSY store...and the FB page they have....


.... tell them I sent ya! ;)

Monday, April 25, 2011

...Nothing Like the Last Minute...


Yes, it WAS the 11th hour (well, 2:20...and church started at 4:30), but, my girls' dresses were done in plenty of time. We even had company for dinner! kids did the bulk of the cooking. Sheesh...I can't get by with anything!

Seriously, I was very proud of these dresses. Oh, not like head-swelling, chest-puffing proud, but you know, the kind of proud that you feel when you set a goal and then accomplish it. That kind of proud.

My goal this year was to make classic-styled dresses with some special touches & flairs that made each one unique. While the materials were from the same collection (Lily & Will), they were all different colors. I really loved how vintage they looked when all was said & done. about a little "tour de dress"?

DRESS #1: This was literally the first dress I finished. It went together very easily. I really liked it because it was just the right combination of little girl/big girl.

On the sleeves, I added the touch of brown gingham to tie in with the sash & bordered the seam with this beautiful flower trim.

The neckline also got some pretty trim.

I am learning that the smallest details are what make a dress uniquely yours. So, I added the little flowers to the tail of the sash to make it....just so. It turned out so sweet, I think.


The second dress I completed was for sweet miss red. I chose the celery green color to compliment her hair. This pattern was taken from Keri Mecca's "Sewing With Whimsey"...the Puffed Sleeve Dress with the wrap sleeves.

I'll be honest with you...those wrap sleeves...a little tricky-and the reason I put these projects down & waited too long to pick them back up. But, I am very pleased with how the end result turned out.

Some small touches on this dress that gave it a bit of pizzaz are the gathers on the sash and the mini piping on the sleeve band. Oh, and the gorgeous buttons.

DRESS #3...the one that almost didn't get done! Ha! I thought those wrap sleeves were tough...the wrapped bodice was a hoot! :-) This is the exact same pattern as Dress #2, but with the alternate bodice.

So, there they are....the 2011 Easter Collection by HoneyChild's Custom Creations :)

Friday, April 22, 2011

There's No Time Like....TOMORROW!

I am frantically trying to get those Easter dresses done!

I know, I know....I really should have done it sooner, but it wasn't COMPLETELY my fault. You see, I went to a sewing retreat 2 weeks ago, and my plan was to make all 3 dresses during the course of the weekend. I made great progress, really, I did! Dress #1 was completed except for hemming...who wants to sit at a retreat & hem. That can SO be done at home, right? That's what I thought, too.

Now, on to dress #2. It was complicated. The sleeves were pieced together to create a beautiful wrapped sleeve look. SO worth the trouble, but kinda burned me out by the time the dress was done. I left the hemming for that one, too. It must be tried on....yeah, that's it.

As for #3. Well, I did those blasted wrap sleeves again, and, well, that did it. No more. I wanted to do something (more) fun. So, I put it down with every intention to pick it back up the next day....and the next. Never happened.

I promised myself to get it done first thing after getting home. But, well, you machine had been dropped upon my arrival at the retreat, rendering it useless *special thanks to Lorene for loaning me hers*. I would like to say that I didn't have any other machines...but that would be a lie. I have my old one. But.....who wants to go BACKWARDS??? I had SO been loving that new maching, I really didn't want to regress, ya know.

So, the Wednesday before new machine was ready! No time to sew on Thursday...busy, busy.

Yay! Kids are out of school (good) Friday!!! "Hey Mom...can we go...."

So, here I sit on Good Friday night....about to tackle the rest of the projects.

I really do NOT want to sew on Saturday, and, most especially Sunday morning!!! I have other projects this weekend! LOL

I really think it'll be fine...really, I do.

Would I be posting on my blog if I wasn't the picture of confidence???

Friday, April 1, 2011

What's New?!?

I know it seems like I'm never doing anything because I don't post on here often, but it is BECAUSE I'm so busy that I'm not posting! :) Right now, I am getting ready to post some wonderful things for those sweet lil guys in your life! Lil Man Jammies & some seriously cute short/shirt sets are forthcoming. I am so excited about the Easter dresses I am making for my 3 youngest ladies. They are very traditional & girly. I just love being a girl! :) Keep watching for more. I am taking orders now for summer clothes....leave a comment or catch me on Facebook for more information.

Friday, March 18, 2011

New Items!

These two little darlings (the clothes, not the girls!) are my newest creations! Using a pattern from Izzy & Ivy, I recycled some of my boys' old jeans into some adorable clothes for my sweet girls.

The skirt is so cute & definitely twirly. She felt so "tute" in it.
"Jeannie" Skirt


3-12 months: $22
18 months - 3T: $27
4T - 8: $32
10 & up: $37
"Jeannie" Dress


3-18 months: $25

24 months - 4T: $40

This little dress is so sweet! It really is only appropriate for up to size 4T, I think, although I would be happy to quote pricing for larger sizes.


......More darling items for your little princess!

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

*A 'SpRiNg-Y' gIvE aWaY!!*

I know it seems hard to believe, but spring will be here before you know it! If you've been out to the stores, you've likely seen the bathing suits & Easter dresses lining the racks! CRAZINESS!! It's hard to ponder needing any of those when you're shopping in a coat, sweater & boots!

However, even I have turned my creative sights to lighter things. Lovely pastels, spring-y flowers. Mmmmm...almost as good as candy! :D

I am loading up some new fabrics that would look great for now as well as when the weather warms up a bit. Take a l look at the *FaBrIc SeLeCtIoNs* tab to get in on them while I still have some. Of course, if you have something else in mind, I will gladly accomodate your wants.

What does your little darling need? Some new church clothes? Fun play clothes? Jammies? How about Easter clothing??? A party dress....hmmmm.

In order to get this new year kicked off good, I am having a FREE give away!!!


Anyway, I haven't really had an "Official Launching" of this site, so my follower count is not as high as I'd like. Help me get my numbers up, and I'll give you a

FREE pair of *NiGhT DuDs* or a *SaSsY SkIrT!!

Here's what you do:
1. Invite your friends to follow this blog:

2. Tell them to become a follower

3. Tell them to leave a comment saying that YOU referred them!!

Whoever refers the most people WINS!!!

I will run this until March 15th OR until I reach 100 followers (only 96 to go! LOL)


And thanks for your help!!