Wednesday, January 26, 2011

*A 'SpRiNg-Y' gIvE aWaY!!*

I know it seems hard to believe, but spring will be here before you know it! If you've been out to the stores, you've likely seen the bathing suits & Easter dresses lining the racks! CRAZINESS!! It's hard to ponder needing any of those when you're shopping in a coat, sweater & boots!

However, even I have turned my creative sights to lighter things. Lovely pastels, spring-y flowers. Mmmmm...almost as good as candy! :D

I am loading up some new fabrics that would look great for now as well as when the weather warms up a bit. Take a l look at the *FaBrIc SeLeCtIoNs* tab to get in on them while I still have some. Of course, if you have something else in mind, I will gladly accomodate your wants.

What does your little darling need? Some new church clothes? Fun play clothes? Jammies? How about Easter clothing??? A party dress....hmmmm.

In order to get this new year kicked off good, I am having a FREE give away!!!


Anyway, I haven't really had an "Official Launching" of this site, so my follower count is not as high as I'd like. Help me get my numbers up, and I'll give you a

FREE pair of *NiGhT DuDs* or a *SaSsY SkIrT!!

Here's what you do:
1. Invite your friends to follow this blog:

2. Tell them to become a follower

3. Tell them to leave a comment saying that YOU referred them!!

Whoever refers the most people WINS!!!

I will run this until March 15th OR until I reach 100 followers (only 96 to go! LOL)


And thanks for your help!!


  1. OK friends invited and I am now a follower...pick me pick me =D!!!!

  2. I was invited to follow you by Davita Wyrick!!

  3. HEY! I love it! And I've linked you from my blog! :) Pick me Pick me!!! Sorry Davita! lol :)

  4. I became a follower, invited by ANNETTE HONEYCUTT

  5. Hi Sis. Denise! I am now a follwer - invited by Annette.
